To create scholars in statistics and contributing significantly for society through statistics.
To provide a responsive and innovative education in Statistics
To encourage students to take keen interest in Statistics and other applied areas of statistics.
To train students in the development and applications of Statistical techniques
To provide rigorous teaching and training to the students to understand Statistical tools and methods,
To develop logical and numerical ability among students
To develop Software’s skill among students
To create awareness about research through projects
To create competition sprite among students through Quizzes
To promote probabilistic approach in all decision-making problems in the Society
History of the Department:
The subject Statistics was introduced in June 1993 at first year and it continue to next year 1994 for second year. The department of Statistics is up to second year. Quality teaching and research, rigorous curricula, healthy working environment, use of ICT and software have been remained the strengths of the department. The Department has highly qualified and motivated faculty members. The department organizes Add-on course on “MS-Excel” for deep understanding of software.
The department organizes and participated in various activities in association with Shivaji University Statistics Teachers’ Association, for creating awareness of Statistics among the students. The activities include written quiz, oral quiz and personality development camps. The department organizes workshops for students under lead college scheme. Also, faculties of the department strive hard to cultivate research attitude amongst students through academic activities such as research projects, Seminars, Group Discussion, Case Study Report etc.
Message of Head of the Department:
Welcome to the Department of Statistics, B. D. College, Patan. Our goal is always to build the subject as a center of excellence, providing the highest quality education and research. In today’s age of information, the adoption of new statistical methods and tools has grown extremely. The field of Statistics is changing continuously in response to the remarkable increase in demand for statistical thinking and methodology in scientific research. The global use of statistical ideas has required us to adapt both our teaching and research quickly.
Thank You
Dr. Supanekar S. R.
Department of Statistics
B. D. College, Patan