: +91 9527311805 / 02372 283047
: str_bdcp@rediffmail.com
Koyana Education Society's


Accredited ' A+ ' with CGPA 3.35 by NAAC ,ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Affiliated To Shivaji University Kolhapur
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गुरुवार दि. ०६/०२/२०२५ रोजी IQAC युथ फेस्टिवल आणि शुक्रवार दि. ०७/०२/२०२५ रोजी वार्षिक पारितोषिक वितरणाचे आयोजन केले आहे.  Uploaded Date : 25/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    राष्ट्रीय सेवा योजना विभागाच्या वतीने " विशेष श्रमसंस्कार शिबीर " दि. २१/०१/२०२५ ते दि. २७/०१/२०२५ अखेर नारळवाडी या ठिकाणी घेण्यात येणार आहे.  Uploaded Date : 18/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    Department of Statistics Organizes   Uploaded Date : 17/Jan/2025    Read More         |    अत्यंत महत्वाचे 17-01-2025 रोजी होणारा पेपर रद्द झाला असून तो रविवार दि. 19-01-2025 रोजी 10:30 ते 12:00 या वेळेत होईल याची विद्यार्थ्यांनी नोंद घ्यावी   Uploaded Date : 16/Jan/2025    Read More         |    करियर कट्टा अंतर्गत करियर संसद पदाधिकाऱ्या चे पीपीटी चे सादरीकरण घेण्यात आले यात पश्चिम विभागात बाळासाहेब देसाई कॉलेज ला प्रथम क्रमांक प्राप्त झाला त्याबद्दल मन: पूर्वक अभिनंदन.  Uploaded Date : 07/Jan/2025    Read More     Download File     |    Department of Computer Application(B.C.A.) organizes Algorithm Techfest Technical Event on 02/01/2024 and 03/01/2024  Uploaded Date : 30/Dec/2024    Read More         |    26 नोव्हेंबर, 2024 शिवाजी विद्यापीठाच्या परीक्षा सुरु   Uploaded Date : 22/Nov/2024    Read More         |    Admission Notification for B.C.A. I Year 2024-25 - Institutional Level Round   Uploaded Date : 24/Oct/2024    Read More         |    सातारा विभागीय टेबल टेनिस मध्ये पुरुष व महिला दोन्हीं गटाला तृतीय क्रमांक मिळाला त्याबद्दल हार्दिक अभिनंदन   Uploaded Date : 06/Oct/2024    Read More         |    

Mathematics Department

Department of Mathematics:


1. Transforming Lives Through Math To help students in hilly rural areas become confident mathematicians who can improve their own lives and their communities.
2. High-Quality Education in Remote Areas To bring excellent math education to students in hilly rural areas, making sure they have the skills to succeed in their studies and future careers.
3. Math for Local Impact To teach math in a way that helps students address unique challenges in their hilly rural areas and contribute to local development.


1. Accessible and Engaging Learning To provide math education that is easy to access and engaging, tailored to the needs and realities of students in hilly rural areas.
2. Supportive and Inclusive Environment To create a nurturing learning environment where students in remote areas receive the support they need to excel in math.
3. Connecting Math to Local Needs To link math lessons with real-life challenges and opportunities specific to hilly rural areas, helping students apply their knowledge practically.


1. Strong Understanding of Math To ensure students in hilly rural areas develop a solid grasp of mathematical concepts, preparing them for further studies and careers.
2. Solving Local Problems To encourage students to use their math skills to tackle local issues and improve conditions in their communities.
3. Future Success and Opportunities To prepare students for higher education and career opportunities by providing relevant skills and knowledge that open doors for their future.

History of the Department:

         The Department of Mathematics was established in 1992, initially offering courses for the first and second-year classes. It expanded to include a full graduation program starting in the 2022-23 academic year. The department features a laboratory, which is essential for the students' learning process. Students have won prizes in various competitions organized by Shivaji University Mathematical Society, as well as at state and national levels.

         The department, in association with the Shivaji University Mathematics Society, organizes and participates in various activities to create awareness of mathematics among students. These activities include written quizzes, oral quizzes, and a Students Carnival. Additionally, the department conducts workshops under the Lead College Scheme to enhance student skills. Our faculty also works diligently to cultivate a research-oriented attitude through academic activities such as research projects, seminars, group discussions, and the use of software tools like Scilab and Python.

Message of Head of the Department:

Dr. D. R. Phadatare
Head of the Department of Mathematics
Balasaheb Desai College ,Patan

Dear Students and Colleagues,

I am delighted to share the exciting initiatives our Department of Mathematics is undertaking. We are dedicated to enhancing mathematical awareness and fostering a strong research mindset among our students. Through engaging activities like written and oral quizzes, our Students Carnival, and specialized workshops under the Lead College Scheme, we aim to make mathematics both accessible and stimulating. Additionally, our faculty is committed to nurturing research skills through projects, seminars, group discussions, and the use of advanced software tools such as Scilab and Python. We encourage all students to actively participate in these opportunities to further their mathematical journey and contribute to our academic community.

Thank you for your continued enthusiasm and dedication.

Warm regards,
Dr. D. R. Phadatare
Head of the Department of Mathematics

Koyana Education Society's
Balasaheb Desai College
Patan, Maharashtra

Ph: +91 9527311805
ph: +91 02372 283047
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